Those Vicar Blokes Substack
Those’s Vicar Blokes
Philip Scofield, The Trinity and Death

Philip Scofield, The Trinity and Death

Dave is on Holidays so Wanda Vision joins Hywel this week. They talk about Philip Scofield, The Trinity and Death

Those Vicar Blokes is a podcast by Dave Coaches and Hywel the Nerdy Vicar.

This week Dave is away on Holiday so we have a special guest ‘Bloke’ in Wanda Vision

We discuss the news around Phillip Scofield ‘leaving’ This Morning:

We discuss the meaning of The Trinity and what it means for us

Finally we review Wanda Vision with Wanda and how it relates to Death.

Follow us on Twitter:

Dave Coaches @davejones751

That Nerdy Vicar @nerdyvica


Discussion about this podcast

Those Vicar Blokes Substack
Those’s Vicar Blokes
We are two Vicars who work near Bristol in the UK. Dave was a bus driver in his life BV (before vicar) That's why he's called Dave Coaches. Although his name is Dave Jones he is not Welsh that's the other bloke. Hywel was a Geneticist BV and he's far nerd